GAPWM2   1,880  -  0 
GAPWM3   1,240  -  0 
GAPYM2   1,200  -  0 
GAPYM4   1,160  -  0 
GBOAMSMR2   11,110  -  0 
GEJWM1   2,622  -  0 
GEJWM2   4,030  -  0 
GEJWM3   2,756  -  0 
GEJWM4   2,560  -  0 
GEJYM2   1,200  -  0 
GEJYM3   1,000  -  0 
GKIWM1   1,820  -  0 
GKIWM2   3,776  -  0 
GKIWM3   3,970  -  0 
GKIWM4   1,100  -  0 
GKIYM2   3,500  -  0 
GKIYM3   1,120  -  0 
GKUWM1   1,480  -  0 
GSAWM1   3,145  -  0 
GKUWM2   4,645  -  0 
GKUWM3   1,700  -  0 
GKUWM4   1,700  -  0 
GKUYM1   1,480  -  0 
GKUYM2   4,130  -  0 
GKUYM3   6,515  -  0 
GKUYM4   1,700  -  0 
GKUYSB3   9,715  -  0 
GSAWM2   4,745  -  0 
GSAWM3   2,684  -  0 
GSAWSS4   3,200  -  0 
GSAYM1   3,145  -  0 
GSAYM2   6,176  -  0 
GSAYM3   2,516  -  0 
GTAWM1   4,440  -  0 
GTAWM2   4,405  -  0 
GTAWM3   1,920  -  0 
GTAWM4   1,100  -  0 
GTAWSO3   1,550  -  0 
GTAYM1   1,480  -  0 
GTAYM2   5,929  -  0 
GTAYM3   1,120  -  0 
GTAYSB1   2,800  -  0 
GTAYSB2   10,390  -  0 
GTUWM2   5,958    0 
GTUYM2   6,160  -  0 
GWAWM1   1,340  -  0 
GWAWM2   3,823  -  0 
GWAWM3   1,200  -  0 
GWAYM1   3,099  -  0 
GWAYM2   4,425  -  0 
GWAYM3   1,100  -  0 
GWAYSB1   4,828  -  0 
GWAYSB2   5,325  -  0 
GWEWM1   1,340  -  0 
GWEWM2   3,945  -  0 
GWEWM3   2,695  -  0 
GWEWM4   2,694  -  0 
GWEYM1   1,760  -  0 
GWEYM2   5,803  -  0 

News | Ghana Commodity Exchange


Date : 1st Jul, 2024


The "Agricultural Commodities Review 2023" provides an in-depth analysis of the performance of major agricultural products in Ghana's markets throughout the year. 

This comprehensive review scrutinizes the key trends that influenced prices, production, and trade flows, offering a detailed examination of the factors that shaped the agricultural landscape in 2023. It explores the impacts of weather events, geopolitical tensions, and economic fluctuations on supply chains and market dynamics, as well as evolving consumer preferences and their effect on specific commodities.

The review further delves into the technological advancements and policy interventions that are driving the future of agriculture in Ghana. It assesses the role of innovative farming practices, digital agriculture, and government policies in enhancing productivity and sustainability. By synthesizing data from diverse sources, including market reports, government publications, and industry analyses, this review provides valuable insights for stakeholders. 

These insights are crucial for navigating the complexities of the agricultural market, identifying opportunities, and making informed decisions to foster sustainable growth and resilience in Ghana's agricultural sector.

Click below for the full document

Download Agricultural Commodities Review 2023