GEJWM1   2,622  -  0 
GEJWM2   4,030  -  0 
GEJWM3   2,756  -  0 
GEJWM4   2,560  -  0 
GEJYM2   1,200  -  0 
GEJYM3   1,000  -  0 
GKIWM1   1,820  -  0 
GKIWM2   3,776  -  0 
GKIWM3   3,970  -  0 
GKIWM4   1,100  -  0 
GKIYM2   3,500  -  0 
GKIYM3   1,120  -  0 
GKUWM1   1,480  -  0 
GKUWM2   4,645  -  0 
GKUWM3   1,700  -  0 
GKUWM4   1,700  -  0 
GKUYM1   1,480  -  0 
GKUYM2   4,130  -  0 
GKUYM3   1,120  -  0 
GKUYM4   1,700  -  0 
GSAWM1   3,145  -  0 
GSAWM2   4,745  -  0 
GSAWM3   2,684  -  0 
GSAWSS4   3,200  -  0 
GSAYM1   3,145  -  0 
GSAYM2   4,960  -  0 
GSAYM3   2,516  -  0 
GTAWM1   4,440  -  0 
GTAWM2   4,405  -  0 
GTAWM3   1,920  -  0 
GTAWM4   1,100  -  0 
GTAWSO3   1,550  -  0 
GTAYM1   1,480  -  0 
GTAYM2   5,335  -  0 
GTAYM3   1,120  -  0 
GTAYSB1   2,800  -  0 
GTAYSB2   5,220  -  0 
GWAWM1   1,340  -  0 
GWAWM2   3,823  -  0 
GWAWM3   1,200  -  0 
GWAYM1   3,099  -  0 
GWAYM2   4,425  -  0 
GWAYM3   1,100  -  0 
GWAYSB1   4,828  -  0 
GWAYSB2   5,325  -  0 
GWEWM1   1,340  -  0 
GWEWM2   3,945  -  0 
GWEWM3   2,695  -  0 
GWEWM4   2,694  -  0 
GWEYM1   1,760  -  0 
GWEYM2   3,370  -  0 
GBOAMSMR2   11,110  -  0 

Services | Ghana Commodity Exchange

Secured Storage with Grain testing & Grain Quality Improvement facilities

Secured Storage with Grain testing & Grain Quality Improvement facilities

GCX operates a network of certified warehouses across Ghana, with easy access to farmers to keep their grains. The warehouses are well equipped to receive, clean, dry, grade, re-bag, and weigh grains into standard bag sizes, store the grains, undertake regular fumigation and de-infestation, stock management, risk management, auditing, delivery and meet other fiduciary requirements until the grain goes to the final consumer. Quality, production period, traceability to farmer level of the grains are all checked. The ability of the grain to meet the quantity and quality needs of the market, which includes the health needs of the market, are guaranteed by a collateral manager throughout the duration of the storage period.

Food Safety Guarantees

Products that are deposited at a GCX certified warehouse are fully guaranteed for their safety from insect’s infestation, fungus, aflatoxins infestation for the entire duration of their storage. The buyers of the grains would be fully compensated by the GCX should there be any change in the quality or grade of the product delivered to them.

Food Safety Guarantees

Reliable, Fair and Transparent Price Discovery process

Reliable, Fair and Transparent Price Discovery process

GCX will operate a secure fully automated electronic trading platform, with a central securities depository. Traders can buy and sell products from the convenience of their offices, homes, farms or trade from GCX trading terminals located at the office of GCX.

Secured and prompt trade settlement

Lengthy settlement time of trade between buyer and seller was identified by GCX as being among the top challenges affecting unstructured trade markets in Ghana and West Africa. GCX will secure the commodity in advance at its warehouses as well as requiring buyers to make an initial pre-trade cash deposit in a designated settlement bank account managed by a GCX settlement banks. After a transaction is complete, GCX will ensure that sellers are paid and buyers receive full delivery of goods within twenty four hours (24hrs) (T+1) after trade.

Secured and prompt trade settlement